800 characters of context from Travers Edition - Hamlet

800 characters of context from Travers Edition - Hamlet

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ar'stwag ø thy
In noise so rude against me?
Ham. Such an act 40
rapier", IV', x, 10, unhesitatingly to
keep his promise to himself of the
scene before, 1. 91-2..--For : I'll
wager.---Through the arras; cp.
Queen Elizabeth herself, in fits of
terror ($usserand, Hist. Lit..Peuple
Anglais, vol. II, p. 700).
1.0 me: 0 woe is me, III,
2..Nay: do not ask ne.!s it the
KingP When Edmund Kean(1787-
1833)---to see and hear whom was,
Coleridge said, like reading Sha-
kespeare by flashes of lightning--
first spoke these words, "the whole
theatre rose in wild appreciation
(Stopford ]3rookel.
3. Marry, generally transitive
now.---Note the grim mockery of
the facae, jingling rhyme.
4. Que, en, in sincere amazement.
See Prof. Bradley's study of Ger-
trude's "soft anim